Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Urban Archaeology: Fifth Installment

Okay, so the language that you cant read is Malay.

“Saya tahu saya akan memerlukan panduan, tetapi kerana memerlukan penterjemah, i dont pikir saya akan butuh satu.”
“I know I will need a guide, but as for needing a translator, I don’t think I will need one.”
The monk looked at her in astonishment. “When I heard from your contact last, he said that you only knew the basics of our language. Ms. Sullivan, that was three weeks ago! How did you manage to learn Malay in that amount of time? Ketika saya mendengar daripada kenalan terkini, dia mengatakan bahawa anda hanya mengetahui dasar-dasar bahasa kita. Ms Sullivan, yang tiga minggu yang lalu! Bagaimana kau boleh belajar di Malaysia jumlah masa?”
Lacie smiled. “Aku bisa melakukan banyak ketika aku menaruh fikiran saya untuk itu. Aku belajar sendiri bahasa Latin hanya selama lima minggu, Greece di empat dan aku belajar bahasa Sepanyol dan Itali pada masa yang sama. I can do a lot when I put my mind to it. I taught myself Latin in just over five weeks, Greek in four and I learned Spanish and Italian at the same time.”
Sanjay looked at Lacie and said, “Not to be bragging or anything. Lacie is just that accomplished.”
Lacie stuck her tongue out at Sanjay and he gave her a look at the same time that a family of four from Canada was walking through snapping pictures of everything.

Tris got out of the truck that Fey’s husband had just driven over from the train station to Angkor Wat. He stretched, looked around, and saw with great amazement all of the bright orange habits that the monks wore all over the place. The central unit of color, however, was in a tight ring around three people.
Fey, being the kind of person that she was, had to find out what the ruckus was all about, so she grabbed Tris’s khaki shirt sleeve and drug him over.
In the middle of the ring, conversing with each monk as they spoke to her, learning all their names, and speaking in a mix of Malay and English, was Lacie. She looked so beautiful, a calm within the storm of words and arguments being flung around the circle.
Lacie looked up, thinking that another monk had decided to join in on the melee of sound and people, only to make contact with bright blue eyes. Tristan. He’s here. At least he wasn’t lying to me.
Tris raised his hand in a little wave of hello, while Fey managed to tunnel her way through the mass of orange robes and copper skin, until she had made her way to Lacie.
“Hey! We told you we would find you!” she said with a huge grin. Fey threw her arms around Lacie, giving her a hug, which Lacie returned. Fey stepped back from Lacie backing into Sanjay, and then she twirled around to see who she had smacked into.

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