Thursday, June 10, 2010

And here is another one...

Here is another one, Ive had it for a while, but it is too funny to not post here too.


1. Only the penetant man will pass
2. Dont take your dad on adventures
3. Fadoras ROCK
4. Snakes are slimy
5. Life needs background music
6. Archaeology isnt just digging in the dirt
7. Nazis are scary
8. Trust nobody
9. Keep your bull whip handy... you never know when you need to swing from power lines or save someone from being run over by a tank
10. In Latin the name of GOD starts with an "I"
11. In an emergency a Nazi flag makes a pretty-good rope.
12. If you get dragged behind a truck, every part of your body will hurt except one elbow.
13. You can hitchhike on a submarine.
14. A flock of seagulls can be an effective weapon against a warplane.
15. The best friends to have are foppish museum curators, burly Egyptian family men and twelve-year old orphan boys.
16. Never leave a handfull of rocks on an invisible bridge
17. If you want to be a good archeologist,you have got to get out of the library!
18. Bringing a knife to a gun fight is a bad idea.
19. You're not a triple agent if you lie about being a double one.
20. The best way to survive a nuclear bomb test is by hiding out in a refrigerator(MUST be lead lined!)
21. When it comes to scorpions,the bigger the better. If a small one bites you,don't keep it to yourself.
22. As far as defiant last words go,"I like Ike" goes best with communist villains
23. Sometimes,you'll get a quicker response by saying "Grab the rope" instead of "Grab the snake!"
24. Let's not let the kid see Mom and Dad fight while everyone's being taken prisoner by the bad guys,okay?
25. Be sure you really want to know everything before being uploaded with extraterrestrial knowledge

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